Generate power with magnetic pistons.
This website explores how to generate small amounts of useable power
using low rpm magnetic pistons.  You will learn how to build a magnetic
piston that can generate ( 7V to 9V) and produce currents from several hundred milliamps up to 1 Amp at 1300 rpm.   The magnets used in this project are N50 grade Neodymium magnets 1/2 inch in diameter and
1/2 inch long.  These magnets are extremely strong for their size and
light in weight, perfect for building magnetic pistons!
N50 Grade
1/2 D x 1/2 L
Neodymium Magnets
The Wheel, Piston Rod and Magnetic Piston Head Assembly.
The Brass Tube Coil Assembly.
The Electric Motor connects to the wheel mandrel to spin the
wheel and moves the Magnetic Piston Head through the Coils.
The Electrical Measurement Devices.
The Magnetic Piston Head Assembly.
Different Power Generation Methods.
Hold one magnet in a fixed position while
moving the other magnet back and forth.
Coin Tube Generator (CTG) : Twin Tube Configuration.
Coin Tube Generator (CTG) : Lever and Fulcrum Configuration.
Coin Tube Generator (CTG) : Two South Poles Facing Each Other.
Coin Tube Generator (CTG) : Two North Poles Facing Each Other.
These waveforms represent one complete stroke of the Magnet
and Push Rod Assembly.  Push the two Magnets towards one
another and then letting the Magnetic Repulsion Field push the
two Magnets away from each other.  The waveforms have a
positive peak and a negative peak.  When you hook a motor up
to the Push Rod Assembly the resulting waveform looks alot like
a Sine Wave.  This Sine Wave can be rectified and the energy stored
in a capacitor.
Two Magnets fixed in position moving through a coil of wire.
Two Magnets fixed in position moving repeatedly through
a coil of wire.
Computing the Linear Stroke Travel Distance for the
Magnet Push Rod Assembly and for the Magnetic Piston.
Coil Performance Testing : Magnet Pack and Coil Slide Test Mechanism.
Sample Waveform Generated using the Coil Slide Test Mechanism.
A Bridge Rectifier and Capacitor stores the Coil's Electrical Energy.
Storing Electrical Energy from the Magnet Pack and 3 different Coils.